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Potential of Ayurveda in building immunity is unmatched: Nikhil Maheshwari, Director of Operations, MPIL

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Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPILAyurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPILCOVID-19 has led to people believing more firmly in Ayurveda.

Since the onset of Coronavirus Pandemic healthcare systems across the world are under extreme pressure. In such a scenario healthcare experts have advised that apart from Covid-appropriate behaviour, people should also focus on immunity building. Ayurveda has a proven track record in providing immunity building supplements. Many Ayurvedic firms are manufacturing a wide range of products from Chyawanprash to Turmeric latte which help in boosting immunity in the body. Talking to Financial Express Online, Nikhil Maheshwari, Director of Operations, Maheshwari Pharmaceutical India Ltd (MPIL) said since last year there is a huge surge in the demand of all Ayurvedic immunity-building products across all age groups. Excerpts:

How do you see the potential of Ayurveda in immunity-building during the second wave of COVID19?   

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The potential of Ayurveda in building immunity is definitely unmatched. The naturally derived substances help in strengthening the immune system, giving tough protection against the viral load. The role of Ayurveda is not only limited to building immunity, but also in battling the virus in mild cases of COVID-19. Turmeric Gargles, Ayurvedic Kadha, Chyawanprash becomes highly essential to keep your body low on the viral load, so that the virus does not hamper the lungs heavily. The role of Amla as a nutrient is pivotal in such cases as it has the desired ascorbic acid properties in it, which help in the healing of sores in the respiratory system.

How has Covid-19 changed the perspective of consumers towards Ayurveda?  

COVID-19 has led to people believing more firmly in Ayurveda. Before this, we Indians were forgetting our age-old science, and the West was quickly adopting it.  Post the outbreak, people started to look back at their roots again and started embracing Ayurveda as a part of their daily lifestyle.

Being a 25-year-old company, how do you see MPIL in coming years and the growth in the herbal Ayurveda segment?

With a strong focus on product development, manufacturing, innovation, and sheer product quality, we see MPIL growing manifold in the coming years. With greater interest in Ayurveda being witnessed across all age groups, we feel that MPIL is well on its way to becoming a leading player in the Ayurvedic Healthcare and wellness industry.

Please explain your product portfolio and what are the next plans for the new product launch? 

At MPIL, we cater to all the demographics with a multidimensional product portfolio including respiratory health care, immunity care, female health care, PCOS, joint health, liver health, skin care, dental care, hair care, and more. In the recent times, we have been working on launching products majorly into the wellness segment with a modern touch, such as our whey protein powder with the power of natural herbs, collagen builders in Ayurveda making it completely vegetarian, benefits of Chyawanprash in a toffee, among other innovations. Our R&D is highly efficient and that caters to us launching products at a much faster rate as compared to industry standards/

What are your strategies to meet the requirements of the consumers

At MPIL, we understand that new-age consumers are looking for products that are free from adulteration. Consumers are looking for healthier options with more transparency, and that is where we have been successful so far. In building an honest relationship with the consumers, just for example,  Chyawanprash by other brands has 60-70% sugar by weight, while we are keeping it to as low as 35% sugar by weight.

With wellness products becoming the need of the hour, and to meet the needs of the consumers we have been constantly launching products in this segment, like our newly launched Turmeric Latte- Golden Milk powder, with infused herbs for 2000x potency. We constantly infuse modern methods to give our products the desired USP that makes them different from the existing options.

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Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL

” data-medium-file=”×194.jpg” data-large-file=”×404.jpg” class=”lazy lazy-hidden size-full wp-image-2237327″ src=”” data-lazy-type=”image” alt=”Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL” width=”655″ height=”427″ srcset=” 655w,×196.jpg 300w,×404.jpg 620w,×267.jpg 410w,×287.jpg 440w,×52.jpg 80w,×204.jpg 313w,×163.jpg 250w,×54.jpg 85w,×129.jpg 200w” sizes=”(max-width: 655px) 100vw, 655px”><img data-attachment-id="2237327" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="655,427" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL" data-image-description="

Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL

” data-medium-file=”×194.jpg” data-large-file=”×404.jpg” class=”lazy lazy-hidden size-full wp-image-2237327″ src=”” data-lazy-type=”image” alt=”Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL” width=”655″ height=”427″ srcset=” 655w,×196.jpg 300w,×404.jpg 620w,×267.jpg 410w,×287.jpg 440w,×52.jpg 80w,×204.jpg 313w,×163.jpg 250w,×54.jpg 85w,×129.jpg 200w” sizes=”(max-width: 655px) 100vw, 655px”><img data-attachment-id="2237327" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="655,427" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL" data-image-description="

Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL

” data-medium-file=”×194.jpg” data-large-file=”×404.jpg” class=”size-full wp-image-2237327″ src=”” alt=”Ayurveda, immunity building, covid-19, turmeric, chyawanprash, MPIL” width=”655″ height=”427″ srcset=” 655w,×196.jpg 300w,×404.jpg 620w,×267.jpg 410w,×287.jpg 440w,×52.jpg 80w,×204.jpg 313w,×163.jpg 250w,×54.jpg 85w,×129.jpg 200w” sizes=”(max-width: 655px) 100vw, 655px”>Nikhil MaheshwarI, Director of Operation, MPIL

MPIL works in diverse categories (men. women. child & old age), which age category do you see takes more immunity-boosting products? 

Before the pandemic, it was mostly the age group above 45 that consumed immunity-boosting products, but post the pandemic age group above 18 has also been consuming our products, as everyone has felt the need to bolster their immune system to fight the deadly virus.

How do you map the quality and quantity parameters for your products? What special herbs and ingredients do you have for your key products that drive the quality? 

Quality is our foremost focus, and in order to ensure it, we procure high-quality raw material. For instance, for our flagship product Amastha Awaleha which is based on Amla, we source highly sustainable Amla’s straight from the farms of Pratapgarh. Each batch of raw material procured goes under the desired QA/QC testing before production. These parameters help us in meeting the desired quality for our products.

From which city or region in the country you are seeing major traction and for which product/product category, as people are becoming more conscious than before towards health & immunity? 

Currently there is a significant spike in the demand for our products from Maharashtra, as people have been very prone to the virus there and wanted high-quality immunity boosters.

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