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Mother’s Day 2021: How to make your Mom feel special during quarantine

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When we become a mom, all the love, positivity and never give up attitude that we pour in as we raise our babies, it all stems from our mothers.

By Shifa Merchant

One day is never enough to say and show what our mums mean to us. She needs to be celebrated everyday for we owe what we are today to her. All of us have traits which reflect our mom’s personality, for some it can be her actions, her empathy and the way we speak. When we become a mom, all the love, positivity and never give up attitude that we pour in as we raise our babies, it all stems from our mothers. As they rightfully say, it takes a strong woman to raise one.

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While we all as an individual and as a family collectively grapple through the current devastating times and try to hold on with every cell in our body, remember to be there for your loved ones. We still are busy and occupied at home with our zoom meetings, work calls, and video sessions with friends but what we realize really late is that many moms are isolated, away from families, and are overburdened at the moment with so much work and have barely any me time. So, it crossed my mind, what if we try and come up with special gestures like Trell’s #MomsGotTalent initiative that is filled with nothing but love and care to put a smile across the faces that are our lifelines – OUR MOMS!!

So here are some recommendations from one mom to another :

  • Wear the Chef hat for a day and surprise her by cooking all meals for her and the family. Ensuring she gets a few days off in the week will allow her to relax, unwind and do the things she likes for herself. After all, she has been cooking for you with so much love all her life. Use the lock down period to tell her how much she means to you through your actions
  • We all love flowers and dark chocolate cookies. Why don’t you bring a big smile on her face by surprising her with home baked dark chocolate cookies and a handmade flower art as a Mother’s Day gift. This can be a really thoughtful gift, and she will cherish it forever!
  • Speaking from personal experience, have you ever offered your mom a good old “hair champi”?? It is a personal favourite with me and my mom. And it also gives the two of you time to bond over happy childhood conversations and how roles have reversed now
  • Whether you are a boy or a girl, let gender not define the housework. As house work is not gender-based. Be more involved in cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, and just helping mothers more often. Actions do speak louder than words
  • If your mom is stuck in another country because of the lockdown, why don’t you surprise her by sending across a big box of homemade laddoos of her choice. You can take the help of friends who stay in the same city. Let your heart lead the way when it comes to your mom.
  • If your mom loves plants and flowers, surprise her by redesigning her balcony and by adding her favourite potted plants to it.

(The author is A Lifestyle and Travel Blogger on Trell. View expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of the Financial Express Online.)

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