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As you get ready to welcome your new bundle of joy, you also need to consider how you handle the months after the birth. Regardless of whether you’re planning to be a stay-at-home mom or are returning to work soon if you’re planning to breastfeed your new baby, you’ll soon discover that a good breast pump is invaluable. With the number of pumps available on the market, narrowing your search down to one can seem like a challenge. To make things easier, here are a few considerations to keep in mind while shopping.
Be Patient
It can be tempting to make sure you have all the essentials ready before the baby arrives. However, waiting to buy a pump until after the birth has its benefits. Each mother deals with breastfeeding differently, and your unique requirements will play a part in determining which pump you should buy. For example, women with pumping challenges may need to buy a hospital-grade pump. Some babies may refuse to drink from a bottle no matter what, in which case a pump will not solve your needs.
Waiting to buy ensures that when you do make a purchase, you’re doing so with all the information available to you.
Decide Between Manual and Electric
There are several factors to keep in mind when deciding between a manual and electric breast pump. In general, however, manual pumps are the option of choice for women who are looking for quieter, portable and affordable pumps. Electric pumps, on the other hand, are significantly more expensive. However, choosing the best electronic breast pump available on the market is a great option for women who need to pump frequently. The motor does most of the work for you, making it far easier to use. Additionally, they help you express milk faster, which means pumping will take less time. Before you decide, make sure to check with your insurance policy. Some policies provide coverage for electric pumps, which may make it easier for you to reach a decision.
Choose Between a Single and a Double Pump
The difference between single and double breast pumps is simple – with a single pump, you can express from one breast at a time, while a double pump draws milk from both breasts at once. Single pumps are more affordable and are a better option for women who only need to express milk occasionally. Additionally, they allow you to breastfeed your baby while pumping from the other breast, saving you time.
A double pump, on the other hand, is the option of choice for busy mums and women who find they need to pump frequently. While they are more expensive than single pumps, they allow you to half the time you spend on pumping. Additionally, some research shows that double pumping can cause you to express up to 18% more milk on average and that the milk produced has a higher fat and calorie content.
Consider Where You’ll Be Doing Most of Your Pumping
One thing many people forget to factor into their decision-making process is where they’ll be doing most of their pumping. If you are staying home with your baby, you don’t have to worry about your pump is too large to carry around and too noisy to use in public.
On the other hand, if you’re a working mom, you may need to opt for a portable and quiet pump so that you don’t interrupt your co-workers. You will also need to consider whether your workplace has an easily accessible electrical outlet or whether you’ll need to invest in a pump that runs on a battery. Some women may even choose to buy two pumps – a larger, less portable one for home and a smaller, more convenient option to carry around for when they leave home.
Additional considerations that you may want to factor into your choice include deciding between a closed system and open system pumps, the strength of the suction, and how comfortable the pump feels on your body. You will, of course, also have to take into consideration your budget – this is probably the most important factor to keep in mind when making a purchase.
The type of pump you choose will ultimately be dependant on your own personal needs. While recommendations from friends and family can help, you’ll still need to do your own research. There is a silver lining, however – the multitude of options on the market means that no matter what your needs are, there’s a perfect breast pump out there for you.